Sunday, 13 April 2014


I haven't posted in quite a while because I have been so busy sorting out my work, space I need and loads else.
Anyhow, I am working on the final structure of my installation for my degree show. It is taking a lot of consideration and loads of remodelling/rethinking.

My "tunnel" idea. I wanted to work on different ways I could make the space immersive and an enclosure for the audience - this is the set-up for one of my designs.

I also now have my own OHP (finally pack-tested!) so it is a lot easier for me to do practice designs and work on what I want without having to hire the equipment.
I have been working on a particular narrative idea and working to create a water-themed scene - so I want to include my OHP as part of the design itself and make them individual art pieces themselves with the use of props/decoration and of course the acetate collages I will create on the screens.
Working on using tree stumps to display my OHPs on - as the water-scene imagery shows fragments of foliage and I want the equipment I use to be a part of the piece!!!


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