Wednesday 11 December 2013

Exploring with ideas

Ideas while working on installation >>>

- Using materials to draw attention/optimise the themes of imagery
-  Images that suggest "seeing into" and others suggesting "viewing" (?)
-  Work on ways to express emotions in imagery
- Creating an immersive environment with my images.

I am really excited to progress forward with my work!!

Installation work

I have recently been forming installations with my work - working with projection of imagery to create an immersive environment where the audience are drawn into the piece and react to the particular emotions and sensations I want to work to portray through my pieces.

My work has developed so much, my tutor even commented that I have really progressed throughout the term which was a real positive thing for me to hear. I have now relaxed more with my practice and don't feel the need to excessively search for a definition and specific concept at all.
As always, my work is personal to me - to things I see, imagine and how I perceive everything around me. I want to work with the imagery I have to create "scenes" or dreamscapes that the audience are drawn into. To me, it seems the most essential thing of my practice is to get the audience to react to my pieces - to be affected by the colours, detail and imagery shown in my work.
I want a final and finished product to be completed by the end of the week - using the imagery I already have. I want to create a piece I can work from. The installation work has really fuelled my passion and I want to pursue it further.

The Face piece will definitely be used because of the engaging quality it has with the audience - it has been commented that they are sinister/disturbing eyes, these lock eyes with the viewer and almost seem to will them to look upon what is being portrayed around the space. Like they are demanding the viewer look around (referring to my themes of trying to get the audience to see the world how I do). I want the audience to engage with images and the space - considering including other features such as items strewn around, material on the floor etc.
I experimented with using fabric on the walls - a basic idea but it draws the audience to certain sections of my work and to generally experiement with what materials I can use to empathise particular themes of the work e.g. loosely pinned sheets over the wall with Window piece - the ideal of things being damaged or coming apart.

Tuesday 26 November 2013


Bill Viola - The Crossing


After it was suggested to me to use video it reminded me of a real small piece I did just to experimented. It's real shitty but it juat looking at different colours and effects and it occurred to me that creating changes and movement in my work might create strange effects and portray the theme of memory and association with memory.

Group Exhibition/speed crit

The session actually went really well - I got some interesting feedback (notes in Journal II). I realise now that my work has a certain engaging quality due to the photography (made into projection) as the figures have dynamic features possibly such as the piercing eyes or the contortions of the body. I need to push this further and work on how I can make my work more immersive and work with the dimensions of the space.
Next step is to find a space I can book for an experimental installation. PS2 seems the most suitable at the moment - I need to check for availability. I want to work more with colour - as through the Group exhibition experimentation I discovered that colour is an important aspect to the mood but it can be overloaded by the photography also e.g. the blue tone of my "face" piece was not seen as calming because of the engaging eye of the character (seen as sinister to some spectators).
The most interesting comments were the ones that said how the work created dimensions and depth - exactly what I want to portray by creating an immersive environment for the audience.

I need to explore with memory - need more source material.
I need to experiment with a large area - book space.
I need to explore different aspects of my work - such as sound and video.
I need to work on how I can form my projection ideas - I need a basic plan of layout.
I need to find ways to portray my memory theme - making it more clear and less of random narrative.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Exploring using acetate glass paint projections

As I have been working with memory I have using the memories/recall of others to create imagery and I am working on creating levels of sensation in relation to the senses in the memories.

I have been conducting interviews with people asking about their memories and how they recall senses within their mind - also I am going to explore different age groups and how they recall events in relation to senses.
I have been creating acetate designs - looking at colours that are recalled within memory. I have also been looking at coloured lighting for my exhibition, exploring how colour affects people psychological as well as linking the colour scheme with the colours in the memories I am collecting.

I have been using a OHP that I think was slightly damaged so it made the projections come out in circles - however this effect was really interesting as it created distortions - almost appearing like "portals," fragmented pieces that reflect colour/image and form.

Studio work projection

Working with projection to create the ideas of mind imagery, memory and the human form.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Practice projection - for installation ideas.

18/11 Week

Working on mini-projector.
Turns out my 3-projector idea can be done!!!!!!! :D
So I need to figure out the dimensions for that this week to work out what I want to do next week to design the main thing.
Okay also organising stuff for the group exhibition, I need to show the work that showcases what I have been working. I am thinking of displaying a collection perhaps - some of my projection work and some of photography/projection pieces. Something that shows my best images as well as showing a rough idea of how my installation is going to pan out.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Edited colour pieces.

I am interested in the physical form of the body and how it links and is separate from the mind.
The effects of colour as well as the how it makes us feel.