Friday, 11 October 2013

Exploring and developing practice

I have recently been looking at the use of photography and elements of painting to portray emotion/human form - I am going to develop my pieces more and combine these two methods.

I am interested in fragmented elements and how these can be used to create whole forms - leading to a constructed and arranged installation.
This relates to the complex themes in my work - the sense of portraying my own inner world and drawing in the audience. The focus being around the expression of human mentality - fragements/sections of humanity draw together into a whole mind. This is how my mind work and how I process and understand everything around me. My world and how I can draw the audience into it.

I am interested in creating something beautiful or something "positive" from the fragments. Creating a display that can be identified with and that can draw people to it.

The previous inspiration for my practice has been based around very painful memories, fraught emotions and the expression of something within me. My own world at the time - but as the situations have changed, this is no longer entirely applicable to me and would just be pointless to try and recapture also very unhelpful for me). I have interersts in how emotion and situations can be expressed and processed through the human mind - I use myself as well as being a voyager, finding ways to express different things.
I have explored different mediums and that I want to express how I see the world myself - basically what all artists do in different ways.

My world's main elements are: unusual fragements of (imagery often relating to narratives or organic aspects); fragements of language/written word (relating to narratives and an expression of emotional state); mixed media such as painting and additional materials - these I use to form boundaries and alterations to my installations.

Things to consider:
>Photography (exploring how I can express themes relating "fragemented" and my world).
>Projection (how I can create different effects using lighting/colour/imagery)
>Explore mediums I could use to manually edit my images or use to paint onto projection "screens" - depending on what I think is the best to use).
> Look at ways I can form installation sculptural items/additional boundaries and items that are "fragemented" and combined to make a whole. Broken items, destroyed/damaged items (that I break myself or have sentimental or universal value).


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