Sunday, 6 October 2013



The familiar sense of uncommon ground beneath me,

The world trembles but does not crumble like before.

And the words spoken destroy the empty syllables,

For she never knew what it meant to be saved from the pain – 

The endless thoughts that torture the mind; destroying the core. 

I tried to remain confident that the sun would always rise, 

But the demons devour resilience and bring forth rage – 

A tremendous torrent that struggles to breathe,

The life stolen; the air heaves –

The violence inside transforms to a dull throbbing pain,

The agony birthed through an anguished brain. 


Tension rips the fabric of my mind, 
The delicate stitching pulled taut.
I gain nothing from the experience,
I continue to bleed all my mistakes.
And as always the light shines on – 
Taunting me with its glorious promise;
The radiance it has to offer yet never gives,
It holds a sweet gift away from me
Letting me continue to fall away.

And the passion that destroys the logic
Never releases my power to breathe.
I claim nothing from the experience,
I continue to cling to all my comforts. 
And the world paints its picture before me,
I lie in tranquil; insignificant and alive. 
The weight of the trauma rests – 
Punished and praying deep within,
Trapping me between fear and sin. 

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