Saturday, 12 October 2013

Exploring using mediums and projection

I have been looking at different ways I can form projections - how I can use other mediums and not just photography images - I shall be experimenting with this idea on acetate also with an overhead projector. 

But I also want to look at forming an atmosphere using projection - possibly something more vague and distorted than just imagery. I explored briefly the use of additional materials on acetate in level 5 but never really pursued it further. I want to explore how transparent mediums can be used to create patterns, shapes, forms and fragments of colour around a space using projection. 

Glass paint was the first thing I decided to experiment with. I have used it before and I like how it can be manipulated to create patterns and forms and trace around a surface. The idea was to use the glass paint on a see-through surface and then shine light behind to see if the colour of the glass paint could would be projected onto the ceiling. A similar effect can probably be created using coloured acetate but I am interested in creating lines and patterns/forms with the glass paint. 

I first decided to use a simple piece of plastic wrapping - any old rubbish would do for my beginning experimentation. I wanted to see if it would work before painting patterns onto my acetate sheets. 

The result of shining light through it: 

Although the light that I used isn't particularly directional - I am intrigued by the result. The lines made by the glass paint are showing up on the ceiling and creating almost an "atmosphere" and this was using shitty plastic and a lamp!!!
I want to work on creating some pattern/forms using the glass paint, painting this onto acetate sheets and seeing the results. I wonder if using an overhead projector would work...I would need to experiment with this at uni and book one out by talking to Anne. 

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