Saturday, 25 January 2014

Setting up installation

I have been working more on furthering my installation and making it more immersive - I booked out the PS2 space and decided to work on setting up a "floating" piece made out of my screens and using invisible wire. I decided to work on making the piece more on an enclosure - thus I ended up forming a separate room-type piece.

This was the idea I had sketched out previously - working with frames to make a "cube" piece. However I think it works more successfully as fabric screens as the images are more free and less boxed-in as they would be with frames. I rejected the frame idea as it would make the pieces appear too much like story board frames and too restrictive for the projections to spill onto the other screens if I wished to do so.
I then set up my OHPs - I want the equipment to be a part of the work, they are included in the performance element of my practice (as I change the acetate pieces over time - idea for the end of year show!). Almost becoming the "story-teller" as the piece changes over time. I need to consider buying/acquiring better quality OHPs for this - although they worked well enough displayed on plinths, it was still difficult angling them as some were damaged slightly so that the images were off centre or slanted. It was a difficulty that I had to overcome and I had to swap the OHPs around a lot for the different images as some worked better in different sections for others.


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